Company Profile
CYDAREX is a spin-off company of the French Institute of Petroleum (now IFPEN) and was created in 2005 by Roland Lenormand. CYDAREX specializes in the domain of core and cuttings analysis, and provides consulting and training services, commercializes the SCAL instruments DarcyLog, DarcyPress™, DarcyShale™ and DarcyCap™, and develops the software CYDAR™.
Consulting & Training
With more than 40 years of experience, Roland Lenormand, PhD, provides consulting and training services in design, interpretation, supervision, and audit in Special Core Analysis (SCAL).
CYDAREX has developed a one-week hands-on training on conventional and special core analysis, based on real experiments. All equipments have been custom-designed to allow measurements with in a few hours.
Teaching Equipment
Over the past 10 years, CYDAREX has developed a series of equipment to teach conventional (CCA) and special core analysis (SCAL). This equipment is more economical than standard laboratory equipment, but using the same principles. They are designed to be easy to use, and to visualize flows. Each procedure is optimized to provide quick results, within a few hours (Kr) to a few days (Pc/RI). Equipment and know-how are available for purchase.
Cuttings and small rocks
Measurements on cuttings and small rock samples can improve reservoir characterization when cores are not available.
DarcyLog™ allows measurements of permeability on reservoir drill cuttings, with sample size ranging from 1 to 5 mm, and permeability ranging from 0.05 to 100 mDarcy.

DarcyPress™ allows measurements of gas permeability under confining pressure on small rock samples (5-10 mm), with permeabilities ranging from 0.1 nanoDarcy (10-22 m2) to 10 Darcy.
DarcyShale™ is an improved GRI method allowing measurements of permeability on shale drill cuttings.
DarcyCap™ allows fast measurements of resistivity index, pore size distribution, and capillary pressure without the use of Mercury.
Software for Core Analysis CYDAR
Developed in collaboration with core analysis specialists, the software CYDAR™ offers a powerful solution for design and interpretation of conventional and special core analysis experiments. This Windows-based software is designed to be user-friendly, yet accurate and powerful. CYDAR™ covers a full range of experiment types, including:

- Mercury injection and withdrawal (MICP)
- Absolute permeability measurements
- Dispersion measurements
- Centrifuge (Pc and Kr) and two-phase flow experiments
- Relative permeability (steady and unsteady state)
- History matching
- Electrical Measurements
- EOR – Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Automatic reporting
- Data acquisition
CYDAR™ is now used by more than 100 companies and universities worldwide.