Fast measurements of Pc curves, resistivity index, and pore size distribution
DarcyCap allows fast measurements of capillary pressure, pore size distribution, and resistivity index using the porous plate method.

DarcyCap Brochure
DarcyCap: DarcyCap Commercial Brochure
Gas or oil/brine Porous Plate Capillary Pressure
- Small sample and two hydrophilic porous plates or filtration membranes for faster measurements.
- No rubber sleeve allowing fast installation and measurements on non-cylindrical samples.
- Oil or Gas/brine Pc curves (drainage and positive imbibition), step or continuous injection.
- 2 or 4-electrode Resistivity Index measurements. The improved contact between sample and porous plates gives very close results between 2 and 4-electrode measurements.
Fast Pc and RI measurements
- With standard 15 bar (225 psi) entry pressure porous plates, measurements in less than 20 hours, depending on permeability and porosity.
- A few hours for low porosity/low permeability samples.
- Fast installation of the sample.
- Automatic measurement and interpretation.
Fast Pore Size distribution without the use of mercury
- Determination of the pore size distribution from the drainage Pc curve.
- With standard 15 bar (230 psi) entry pressure porous plates, determination of pore radius from 0.1 micron to 100 microns (reservoir range).
- Good agreement with mercury distributions, without any adjustable parameter.
- Results are more representative for reservoir studies than MICP: use of standard fluids and lower stress than MICP.
Sample specifications
- 4-6 mm thickness disks, roughly circular, around 1” diameter.
- Routine core analysis, 1″ plugs, micro-core, SWC, or end trims can be used.
- Non destructive method.